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Antique & Collectible Woodworking Planes & Tools
On this page you will
find a varied selection of antique woodworking planes & tools. You will find early patented woodworking planes by makers
such as Sargent, Millers Falls Tool Co, Winchester, Keen Kutter, Ohio Tool, Union Tool, as well as patented planes &
tools by other more obscure makers. Stanley Planes will be found on the
Stanley Plane
& Tool Page.
Some of these companies produced quality lines of woodworking planes and tools competing
with Stanley in the marketplace. Famous names such as the
Simmons Hardware Co. of Saint Louis MO, whose tools were known as Keen Kutter Brand, or Winchester of Gun making fame, were for the most
part merely distributors, rather than actually producing their own
lines of tools. Simmons Hdwe. Co. AKA Keen Kutter did it well,
while the Winchester antique tool story was not as pretty.
There will be rare and desirable patented
woodworking planes from known and recognized makers including Leonard
Bailey as well as a good sampling of quality metal woodworking planes
created by various lesser known makers like Steers, Morris, Davis
Level & Tool
Co. Worrall, Phillips, Standard Rule, and others. These patented planes are from the era when people like Leonard
Bailey and other entrepreneurs and inventors with the spirit of Yankee ingenuity were producing
woodworking tools and patented planes for the American worker, and created some wonderful
collectible planes for today's collectors.
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- Metallic Plane Co. Excelsior Block Plane
- M. C. Mayo Tool Co. Block Plane
- Chaplin No. 1205 Smooth Plane
- Boston Metallic Plane Co. Block Plane w/ 2 Piece Cap
- Healds Patent Smooth Plane
- Marten Doscher Patented October 2 1888 Smooth Plane
- German Bullnose Rabbet Plane (Stanley 75)

- Leonard Bailey "Little Victor" # 50 Block Plane
- Leonard Bailey No. 4 "Victor" Smooth Plane (PARTS)
- Leonard Bailey No. 5 "Victor" Jack Plane
- Leonard Bailey No. 8 "Victor" Jointer Plane
- Leonard Bailey "Little Victor" Block Plane
- Leonard Bailey Victor No. 12 Block Plane (Body)
- Leonard Bailey Victor No. 14 Combination Plane Parts
- More Leonard Bailey Victor Plane (PARTS)
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Below * * *
Sargent began producing and marketing
woodworking planes in 1884 even though they had been in business for
many years prior to that
producing hardware, locks and other metal products. During their early years they produced a line of planes that rivaled
Stanley in design, quality, and popularity.
Millers falls came into the woodworking plane marketplace
late in the game, but due to their reputation and experience producing other quality tools they had a
loyal following. Many of their planes are hard to differentiate
from their Stanley counterparts in look or quality.
Ohio Tool Co. was a major competitor of
Stanley and produced a line of metal planes similar to Stanley. They also
produced wooden planes as well as a few unique and rare
design patented planes.
Union Tool co. also produced a line
of planes similar to Stanley's line before being
bought out. Stanley continued to sell the Union Tool line of
planes and tools as a second line for a number of years before dropping the name and line altogether.

- Sargent # 73 Mini Router Plane
- Sargent No. 81 Double Side Rabbet Plane
- Sargent VBM No. 407 (No. 2) Smooth Plane
- Sargent No. 409 Jack Plane
- Sargent No. 5306 Block Plane
- Sargent No. 4206 Low Angle Steel Block Plane
- Keen Kutter / Simmons Hardware No. K 5 Jack Plane (Stanley 605 Bed Rock)
- Keen Kutter / Simmons Hardware K K No. 18 Block Plane
- Keen Kutter K65 Low Angle Block Plane
- Craftsman 3732 Low Angle Block Plane
- Craftsman / Sargent Made No. 5607 Low Angle Block Plane
- Millers Falls No. 33 (Stanley No 101) Block Plane
- Millers Falls No. 22 CBG Jointer Plane (Stanley No. 7 C)
- Millers Falls No. 56B Low Angle Block Plane
- Foster No 101 Aluminum Block Plane
- Union # 7 C Jointer Plane
- Paramo No. 10 Rabbet Plane
- E. C. Stearns Scraper Plane
- Winchester No. 3020 (No. 7) Jointer Plane by Sargent
- Winchester 3004 (No. 3 Size) Smooth Plane by Sargent
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Below * * *
Rule and Level Co. was formed in the late 1850's and began their business
producing a line of folding rules and
general hardware in New Britain Conn.
Levels came next, and a few years later Stanley got into the woodworking plane business utilizing Leonard Baileys Patents
and designs for metal bodied bench planes and scrapers.
The Stanley Rule and Level Company spared no expense developing a market and filling the need of early
craftspeople wanting top quality tools. Stanley Rule & Level Co.
and the tools they made had a great reputation back when. The
Stanley name imprinted on a tool was synonymous with quality and
high standards for close to 100 years and they dominated the market
with their line of fine woodworking planes and carpentry
related tools.
There is an incredible array of vintage and antique squares
and bevels and different forms of marking gauges that have
been patented and produced over the years. They were designed for use by many different tradesmen including woodworkers, carpenters, machinists, and more. Many of
them have now become highly collectible while others are in
demand by users and trades people of today because of the
high quality, degree of usability, functionality they
provide, and the beauty these fine old collectible tools exhibit.
Some of the antique tools listed below are quite unusual and hard to find.
Suitable for use or inclusion in the vintage tool collection. Others will be a welcome addition to the workbench for the user / woodworker who
appreciates the quality in a fine vintage old tool made in the USA. From a time
when the USA use to actually produce things.

- Starrett # 439 Builders Square w/ 24" Blade
- Antique Carpenters Try & Miter Squares
- Sawyer Tool Mfg. Co. 2" "Hard N0. 10" Double Machinist Square
- 6" Rosewood Handle Try & Mitre Square
- Fisher Patent Bevel
- Kershaw Brothers Patented 1892 "Eagle" T Bevel
- Bridge City Tool Works MS 1.5
- Stanley No. 30 Sweetheart Era Angle Divider
- Stanley # 59 Dowelling Jig
- Stanley # 77 Dowel Making Machine w/ 2 Cutters
- 6" & 8" Stanley #18 Bevel
- Stanley No. 4 Trammel Points in Box
- Stanley Aluminum Plane Handle For No. 3 or 4 Plane
- Misc. Stanley & other Maker Plane Parts
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Below* * *
- W.S. Batchelder Level - Inclinometer - Square Patented 1867 by G.L. Chamberlin
- Fitchburg - Webb Patent 9" Cast Iron Level
- Millers Falls 6" Cast Iron Machinist Level
- Starrett 98 18" Precision Machinists Cast Iron Level
- Stratton Bros No. 10 Brass Bound Mahogany 8" Machinist Level
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- L. L. Davis Mantle Clock Level Inclinometer
- Davis Level & Tool Co. 12 Inch Cast Iron Inclinometer / Adjustable Spirit Level
- Davis Level & Tool Co. 18 Inch Cast Iron Inclinometer / Adjustable Spirit Level
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Below * * *
Antique & Vintage edge tools, including carving tools, chisels,
gouges, carpenters slicks, vintage lathe tools, and more will be found on this page.
These vintage and antique edge tools
will be suitable for use in various woodworking hobbies and trades or inclusion in any antique
tool collection.
Antique woodworking edge tools from makers
such as Addis, D. R. Barton, James Swan, Herring, Henry Taylor, Buck Brothers, L.
& .I. J. White, Wilkinson, Witherby, Maier, Marples, and others
will be found. Famous edge tool maker names ring with nostalgia and
fond memories of the old days when quality was the
standard and American pride of manufacture carried over into the
things made in the USA.
Vintage and antique tools are popular not only because
of the superior quality, but often times these antique edge tools can
be had for a fraction of what is being charged for quality tools made today. There is no comparison in
relation to price vs. quality when speaking about the garbage coming from China sold in every retail establishment, no matter the brand name
you see on it. With a bit of knowledge and judicious shopping you can
outfit a toolbox, shop, or workbench with quality antique &
vintage woodworking
tools at a reasonable price and get full value for your dollar.
Slicks are large chisels and
oftentimes large framing chisels are called slicks. In
general they can range in width from 2" up 6" or so with large
examples being very hard to find. Most are socket style, but there
are also tang slicks that can be found. Occasionally a gouge slick turns up, and even less often crank neck
slicks appear. Names
like Wilkinson, Barton, L. I. & J. White, Witherby, James Swan, and more come to
mind as the premier makers of the 19th century.
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Below * * *
- Stanley Everlasting Chisels
- Stanley 720 & 750 Chisels
- Stanley 28 & 29 Corner Rounding Tools
 - Stanley No. 51 Spoke Shave
- Stanley No. 54 Adjustable Throat Spoke Shave
- Seymour Smith & Son Spoke Shave
- Stanley No. 62 Spoke Shave
- Stanley No. 64 Spoke Shave
- Stanley No. 66 Universal Hand Beader Plane
- Stanley No. 67 Universal Rabbet Spoke Shave
- Selection of Stanley No. 151 Spoke Shaves
- Douglass Mfg. Co. 1" Corner Chisel
- Entz & Rucker 3/4" Corner Chisel
- Buck Brothers 3/8" Firmer Chisel
- Selection of Buck Brothers Carving Tools - Chisels & Gouges
- Selection of Many New Carving Tools - Chisels & Gouges

- W. Marples & Sons 1 1/2" No. 15 Carving Gouge
- W. Marples & Sons 1 3/8" Carving Gouge
- Spear & Jackson 2" Carving Gouge
- D. R. Barton 1 1/8" Carving Gouge
- Humphrey Tool Co. 1882 Patent Cavity Plane / Spoke Shave
- Windsor Patent Beader / Spoke Shave
- J. S. Cantelo / Boston 7" Folding Handle Draw Knife
- Wilkinson Boston 7" Folding Handle Draw Knife
- Goodell-Pratt Drawknife Chamfer Guides
- Set of Dwight French Plow Plane Irons
- Lot of Plow Plane Irons
- Bailey Patent Box Scraper
- Martin’s Heavy Duty Cast Iron Scraper by Cincinnati Tool Co.
- BOOK - Spoke Shaves & Similar Tools / by Tom Lamond
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Below * * *
- Stanley No. 49 Auger Bit Depth Stop / Gauge

- Stanley / Russell Jennings No. BX-D 32-1/2 Auger Drill Bit Set in 3 Tier Box
- Stanley / Russell Jennings No. 32-1/2 Quarters No. 100 Auger Drill Bit Set in 3 Tier Box
- Marples & Sons Ultimatum Framed Beech Brace
- Mathieson Iron Brace w/ Rosewood Head & Heart Shape Button\
 - Stanley No. 2101A
8" Bell System B Auger Bit Brace
- Millers Falls No. 2 Hand Drill\
- Stanley / Yankee No. 41 Push Drills w/ Bits
- Antique Multi Tool Handle w/ Wrench & 12 Tools
- Stanley Auger Bit Extensions for Brace
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- Rabone No. 1206 Rope Gauge / Boxwood Caliper Rule
- Stanley No. 36 1/2 Caliper Rule
- Troughton & Sims/ London 6" Ivory Protractor / Scale / Rule
- English 6" Boxwood Protractor / Scale / Rule
- Leavitt Machine Co. Patented 1888 Double Beam Mortise Gauge / Marking Gage Tool
- S. S. Norton Rosewood Marking & Mortise Gauge / Gage
- Stanley No. 77 Rosewood Marking & Mortise Gauge / Gage
- Stanley No. 91 Marking & Mortise Gauge / Gage
- Stanley No. 98 Marking & Mortise Gauge / Gage
- 1899 C. S. Osborne Leatherworking Tools Catalog (Original)
 - 1911 C. S. Osborne Leatherworking Tools Catalog Reprint
- C. S. Osborne Rosewood & Brass Draw Gauge / Leatherworking Tool
- C. S. Osborne 6" Round Knife / Head Knife
- 6" Round Knife / Head Knife
- Patented 1869 Saddle Makers Leather Working Channeler Tool
- No. 100 Leather Channeler Saddle Maker / Cobbler Leather Working Tool
- Gomph No. 4 French Edger Saddle Maker / Cobbler Leather Working Tool
- Gomph Channeler Saddle Maker / Cobbler Leather Working Tool
- H. F. Osborne Multi Wheel Stitch Marker
- Whats-it Fence Tool?
- Curved Claw / Flat Hook Hammer
 - "Eureka" Double End Non Sparking Hammer
- "Thor" No. 1 Double End Non Sparking Copper Hammer
- A.B. C. Stockton Double End Non Sparking Hammer
- Proto 1430 Brass Hammer / Small Sledge Hammer
- Small Gunsmith Jeweler Watch Maker Silversmith Hammer
- Small Antique Tinsmiths / Gunsmiths Anvil
- Super Grip Tool Co. Iowa - Patented Pliers
- Dudley 1894 Patent Bicycle Spoke Wrench
 - 6" Vernier Depth Gauge, Caliper Type - Japanese
- Patented Cast Iron Hand Vise
- 2 Hand Vises
- Williams 1 3/8" Gunsmith / Jeweler / Machinist Bench Vise
- Wilton 930 MC 3" Jaw No. 5 Bullet Bench Vise
- Wilton 9300 3" Jaw No. Bullet Bench Vise
w/ Swivel Base
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The saws listed should be considered straight.
None are kinked or bent so as to be unusable or in need of straightening.
Some are sharp, some will need to be re-sharpened.
- Disston No. 7 8 pt. 24" Crosscut Saw
- Disston No. 7 9 pt. 20" Crosscut Saw
 - Disston No. 7 11 pt. 20" Gents Crosscut Saw
- Disston No. 7 10 pt. 18" Gents Crosscut Saw
- Early Split Screw Disston 26" 5 1/2 pt. Rip Saw
- Wheeler Madden & Clemson ? Dome Nut 5 pt. Rip Saw w/ Plate
- Disston 26" D-7 Lightweight 7 pt. Crosscut Saw
- Disston D-7 8 pt. 26" Crosscut Saw
- Henry Disston D-8 6 PPI 26" Saw
- Disston No. D-8 10 pt. 22" Crosscut Gent Saw
- Disston No. 12 London Spring Steel 8 pt. 26" Crosscut Saw
- Disston D-23 5 1/2 pt. 26" Rip Saw
- Several D-23 Saws - Rip & Crosscut
- Warranted Superior 26 Inch 8 pt. Saw
- 18" Gents Crosscut Saw Made for Gunn Hardware Co.
 - Disston 28" Miter Box Back Saw
- Atkins 24" Miter Box Back Saw
- Disston No. 4 Cast Steel Back Saw 14" 12 TPI
- Primitive Saw Set / Wrest
- 2 Man Crosscut Saw Handles
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Larry & Carole