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Genuine American Antiques are becoming increasingly difficult to find. A lot of "stuff" that appears at
antiques shows, in "antique malls", and on the marketplace dates from much later than the pre-1900 era
that genuine Antiques and Americana with historical significance originate from.
Much of the stuff that you find offered today is outright fakes---brand new
and offered up with a wink and a nod, or the latest craze, assemblages, stuff made up from old things, and offered as something special, whether it is called Steampunk,
repurposed, or whatever. It might be art, it might be popular, cute, or some even interesting, but it has little to do with authentic antiques or original Americana.
I am at a loss for words to describe much of it.
Antique American Patent Models have a colorful and interesting history. Patent Models represent one of the most graphic and rare forms
of American ingenuity and inventiveness
that is available on the antique market. The requirement that each invention
would require a model of the invention was first mandated by the government in 1790. That requirement was essentially dropped in the late 1800's as
the volume of models the government was taking in and storing became enormous.
Over the years there were two different fires in the
government patent model storage locations and many of the earliest
patent models were destroyed. These wonderful pieces of Americana
were neglected and ignored for years with all of them nearly being
sold off for scrap in the 20's at a government auction. They were
saved from that fate through the wisdom and foresight of a few
devoted and visionary collectors.
Most patent models available today came from
either O. Rundle Gilbert or Cliff Peterson, both of whom at one
time owned and marketed patent models during their
period of ownership. There are small stashes of, and collections of models all over the country that were formed when these owners were
selling off portions of the original collection.
recently there has been a large collection of parts and pieces of patent
models with fake tags being offered for sale on eBay. At
times the spiel / grift has been that the proceeds
are going to some charitable fund or foundation to benefit the "kids",
build a museum,
bridge, or something similar. I expect to see offers for shares in the ownership of the bridge being built to that imaginary place, as in bridge to nowhere next. No shame.
The Americana, General Store, & Country Kitchen antiques and collectibles
found on this page cover a broad range both in vintage and uses. Over the years our interests
broadened to include things like patented ice cream scoops, odd can
openers, corkscrews, toasters, as well as vintage or antique meat slicers.
Our primary interest in Coffee Mills is in smaller double wheel #2 or #3 size cast
iron double wheel coffee mills. These small double wheel coffee mills make
for a very colorful and graphic display in almost any room or setting in
the house. They are wonderful pieces and a great reminder of years past.
- J. D. Adams Salesman Sample Road Grader
- Gearhart Circular Sock Knitting Machine
- "TELEPHONE" Wall Mount Coffee Mill w/ Cast Iron Front by Arcade
- Vintage Whistler Swan Decoy Carved by Bob Gilmore
- Antique Merganser Decoy
- Antique Bluebill Decoy
- 2 Antique Banjo Style Barometers / Thermometers
Humidity Gauges
- Early Wood Shaft Golf Clubs
The technology related antiques we deal in
for the most part date from near the turn of
the 20th century or earlier. That is 1900 or
earlier. This
includes office related
devices & tools such as early patented antique pencil sharpeners, antique typewriters, early punch style check
protectors, early calculation devices such as adders, calculators, slide rules, etc.
We also
deal in many early electrical devices such as antique electric fans,
telegraph keys, and
other early
technology related office collectibles.
If you have a single antique or an entire collection
of office and technology related antiques for sale that you think we
may be interested in, please Contact at and we will get back to you ASAP.
Tha nks!!
Early fans came
in all sizes and shapes. Examples of antique fans I
have sold in recent years can be found at our sister
website in the past sales archives there.
In addition to electrically powered AC, DC, or battery powered fans, there are hot air fans, water powered fans, and
more. I deal in, and sell all of these different versions of antique and vintage fans & electric motors
Names like Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla and a few others come
to mind when considering the introduction of electrical technology into our
society. These inventors and others were the driving force that led America
into a new age of power and their early efforts and designs are both
important and an interesting facet of our history and a reminder of what it
used to be.
- c. 1700 Pierre Fardoil Adding Machine & Watch / Time Piece
- Thomas Edison's Edison System Ampere Meter
- R. Fuess Berlin-Steglitz Stech - Hygrometer / Long Barometer Moisture Tester
- D. Balerna Banjo Style Antique Barometer
- 6 Antique Books Concerned w/ Sykes Hydrometers - Specific Gravity - Testing / Gauging Alcohol Content
* * * * We Buy & Sell Antiques! * * * *
If you have a single antique, or a collection of antiques to sell
please Contact at giving us your PHONE NUMBER
and other contact info
and we will get back to you ASAP.
To view examples of the types of antiques and collectibles we have previously
sold and are always interested in helping you sell please visit our
Sales Archive Pages at our sister website
Thanks!! Larry & Carole